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Product segments
Combine your products into small, real-time segments that share similar characteristics such as ASIN, ratings, sales, prices, etc. This will allow you to focus on each segment individually, and keep an eye on those products only.
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Detailed products’ data
Instantly view all your products’ information such as COGS, ratings, sales history, units sold, average sales, and more. New products that match the segment’s conditions will be automatically added to the group.

AND condition
Combine all products that strictly comply with all the established conditions
OR condition
Combine the products that comply with one condition OR the other.
Apply unique filters for each new product segment you create.
Detailed sales overview
Monitor the performance of each product segment individually through detailed sales overview graphs to tailor your attention to the most profitable segments.

Who should use Elite Seller?
Elite Seller was designed specifically for growing Amazon sellers and agencies managing one or many accounts and brands across multiple marketplaces. Our dynamic software and exclusive seller tools allow you to have a comprehensive birds-eye view of all your sales and marketing efforts.
Is there a limit on seller accounts?
The total amount of accounts you can manage is determined by the plan you have.
Why do I need Elite Seller?
Amazon Seller Central is limited and inefficient in managing account information. As a result, sellers need to use many varied software platforms to keep tabs on all of their performance indicators, customers, and products. With Elite Seller, you’ll have an all-in-one suite of tools to manage and grow your entire Amazon Business.
Why is Elite Seller unique?
We are a team of CEOs, developers, designers, and veteran top Amazon sellers. In tandem with the Million Dollar Seller (MDS) community, we have developed every single feature and tool to solve the common pain points experienced by top sellers.
How does the site work?
Elite Seller directly connects to Amazon Seller Central. Once you’re signed in and add your Seller Accounts, you will be able to see all the desired metrics, trends, and statistics, manage customers, products and orders, and other amazing tools to boost your listings and sales, launch ManyChat rebate campaigns, warranty-follow up and rebate funnels, and much more!
Which marketplaces are supported?
EliteSeller is currently suited for the following Amazon marketplaces: USA, Canada, Germany, UK, Italy, Spain, Mexico, France.