

With EVERY and ALL Freight shipments for Small & Medium-sized businesses, especially for Amazon FBA Sellers across CA, US, UK, EU – Shipping from China to USA, CA, EU, UK, and Japan. Our local presence in China provides a serious cost advantage especially for China to Amazon FBA sellers.

One-Stop-Shop tailored towards Amazon Sellers, Digital Retailers, and Ecommerce Businesses. Door to Door shipping provides a hassle-free experience for our customers. 

Global Logistics is our business and our life with more than 10 years China, 5 years USA experience. Our global presence across continents provides us with a wide variety of carrier and supplier networks.  

Your very own in-house Logistics team. We have a dedicated Account Management and Support team. We provide very boutique service and an international freight forwarder logistics network to our customers combing this with digital our platform.

Contact details:

Burak Yolga

Co-Founder & CEO, ForceGet, Digital Freight Forwading

ForceGet digital freight forwarder is the best freight forwarder from China to the US. We specialize in ocean freight, air freight, and door-to-door deliveries.

Mention “Elite Seller” to get a special promotion only available through them.

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